Family Law
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Modifications of Court Orders in Texas
To secure a modification of any court order, you must prove to the court that your circumstances or those of your child have “materially and substantially” changed.
These changes may include but are not limited to:
- Job loss
- Getting a new job
- An adjustment in your salary or pay
- Remarriage
- Changes in your work schedule
- Illness or disability
- Relocation
- Your child has graduated
- Special needs of your child
- Conflicts between a child and his or her parent or stepparent
- Failure to comply with a child custody order
You and the other party may have already agreed to and implemented the necessary changes. However, verbal agreements are not enforceable. You must go through the courts to obtain the modification so that it is legally binding. The most common type of modification is that of child support. These are usually based on income fluctuations for parents.
In cases where especially egregious parenting problems have arisen that would put a child at risk, a modification can restrict or even terminate that parent’s rights to his or her child. These cases typically involve domestic violence, substance abuse, criminal activity, or child abuse or neglect.

Let Us Handle Your Modification Case in Court
If your circumstances have significantly changed, you can discuss your needs with one of our capable attorneys. We can determine whether you qualify for a modification and, if so, get the legal process underway. Our team can provide diligent and court-tested legal service to help you in moving forward with court orders that fully reflect your current situation.

Our job is to solve problems. That may involve going to court, reaching a settlement, or taking a more patient approach. All of these strategies can resolve a dispute on terms favorable to the client.